Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (22 April [O.S. 10 April] 1870 – 21 January 1924) was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia became a one-party socialist state; all land, natural resources, and industry were socialized into public property. Ideologically a Marxist, his political theories are known as Leninism.
Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin gained an interest in revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's execution in 1887. Expelled from Kazan State University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist regime, he devoted the following years to a law degree. In 1893 he moved to Saint Petersburg and became a senior figure in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). Arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, there he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent party theorist through his publications. In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP schism over ideological differences, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would result in the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to campaign for the new regime's removal by a Bolshevik-led government of the soviets.
弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·乌里扬诺夫(4月22日[OS 10年4月]一八七零年至1821年年1月1924)是俄罗斯的共产主义革命家,政治家和政治理论家。他担任政府的俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国的负责人,从1917年到苏联从1922年1924年1924年在他的管理,俄罗斯成为一个一党制的社会主义国家;所有的土地,自然资源,产业被社会化到公共财产。在意识形态上一个马克思主义者,他的政治理论被称为列宁主义。
出生于一个富裕的中产阶级家庭的辛比尔斯克,列宁获得了利益在革命的社会主义政治后,他的弟弟的执行于1887年从喀山国立大学开除参与对俄罗斯帝国沙皇政权的抗议,他专门在随后的几年中,以法律度。 1893年他移居到圣彼得堡,并成为马克思主义的俄国社会民主工党(俄国社会民主工党)的资深人物。因涉嫌煽动叛乱,并放逐到Shushenskoye三年,在那里,他娶了娜杰日克鲁普斯卡娅。他的流放后移居西欧,在那里他成为通过他的出版物突出党的理论家。 1903年,他参加了一个俄国社会民主工党分裂在意识形态上的分歧关键的作用,从而导致对朱利叶斯·马尔托夫的孟什维克的布尔什维克派。俄罗斯的失败,1905年革命期间鼓励起义,后来他竞选第一次世界大战改造成一个全欧洲的无产阶级革命,它作为一个马克思主义者,他认为这将导致推翻资本主义和社会主义代替。经过1917年二月革命推翻沙皇并建立了临时政府,他回到俄罗斯征战新政权的去除苏维埃布尔什维克领导的政府。